The Book of James
Growing Closer to God Playlist
The Remnant Fellowship reads and reviews the Bible’s powerful Book of James. Gwen Shamblin Lara opens the gathering by presenting the historical context of this Biblical treasure. James, a brother of Jesus, writes that readers must mature in their faith in Christ by living what they say they believe. Gwen also discusses how the Protestant reformer Martin Luther attempted to have the Book of James excluded from the Biblical canon. But the Book of James has a vital, life-giving message for any Christian: “Faith without works is dead.” When we obey the Word of God — by doing the will of God — our lives are blessed and more fruitful than ever before. This is the message taught at the Remnant Fellowship Church — a message that has changed thousands of people’s lives in our present time. Enjoy this educational, compelling, and encouraging presentation of the Book of James!
Up Next in Growing Closer to God Playlist
There Is Only One Head
Who is the boss in your life? Do you rule? Or do you let God rule? This audio will help you get at the root of who is your decision maker. You will earn why it is arrogance to disobey God’s lead and how obedience will give you humility. You will get the tools you need to love more and find out ho...
Giving God Your Wait
The ability to wait is nearly lost on today’s “instant gratification” society, but patience is a fruit of the Spirit of God (Galatians 5:22). We have a tendency to want results immediately, even when it comes to finding this relationship with God. How can we expect instantaneous results, though,...
Obedience Unto Salvation
This one-hour audio lesson is part of The Ancient Path Series. ldquo;Where the Spirit of the Lord is There is Freedom" 2 Corinthians 3:17. This life-changing lesson uncovers the secrets and freedom in obedience to God and how dangerous self-will can be. It will encourage you to obey God and stay ...