How to Show True Love on Valentine’s Day
Life with Gwen and Joe
Love is in the air! The world designates Valentine’s Day as one of a few days each year focused on love, and it is important to use every chance we get to express our appreciation and affection to the one God has given us to love! But chocolates melt and roses last only a few days...while these things are indeed beautiful gestures, sincere words of love have a lasting impact on the heart. Words are a reassurance of devotion, and the willingness speak or write those words from a sincere heart is a significant display of laying down one’s life for another! “Life with Gwen and Joe” is always about love—love for God and for others—but this episode is especially devoted to the love of a man for a woman and how that love can be lived out, eradicating pain and jealousy that can sometimes be prevalent. Saint Valentine, for whom this holiday is named, was a martyr who laid down his life for the sake of the Church. In Valentine’s time, under a leader consumed by war, there was a law that ordered that every young man must serve in the military—the only exception would be that if a man were married, he could remain home for a year. Because of this, marriages were legally banned so that more men would be available for battle. Valentine knew this edict threatened the stability and future existence of the Church, so he secretly began marrying young men and women, thus allowing the men to remain home and help the Church grow and thrive. This year, rather than “Be My Valentine,” let us all strive to “Be LIKE Valentine,” laying down our lives for God, for His Church, and for others around us! Join Gwen and Joe for a powerful charge to elevate this love above all other earthly pursuits—because companionship and love make all other activities more enjoyable, anyway! It’s Valentine’s week, so watch and re-watch this episode—then go and LOVE!
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