Life with Gwen and Joe - January 28, 2019
Life with Gwen and Joe
Watch "How To Wait On Empty To Lose Weight" - It seems as though everyone is into doing a “cleanse” or some fad version of “intermittent fasting” to lose weight or restore optimal health. On the other hand, some equate “fasting” with a negative connotation because of sour faces, negative emotions and the obligatory nature of diet-associated fasting. In this episode, Joe and Gwen discuss fasting in its God-intended context, which is a freeing activity that brings joy, good feelings, physical health and weight loss! Your body is designed to thrive on “emptying out”, but in a natural way that simply lets your body get all the way to truly empty before feeding it with physical food. Joe is a living testimony for the men that this type of fasting not only makes you feel better physically but also helps you be more meditative and sensitive to the Spirit of God for your day-to-day life. Take the challenge issued by Gwen and Joe: let your body get to Empty—like a fuel gauge—so that you find that “perfect day” of self-control and feeling closer to God and to those around you! Gwen and Joe will tell you, it truly feels GREAT!
Up Next in Life with Gwen and Joe
Live with Gwen and Joe - February 18,...
Watch "The Essential Focus" - Join Gwen and Joe on vacation as they go over how they keep their essential focus on the will of God no matter where they are. Be encouraged to find a deeper love with God daily. Hear how they keep their family together and the practical ways they use to worship God ...
Life with Gwen and Joe - February 25,...
Watch "How To Overcome Impulse Eating" - Have you ever wondered why you seem to do things without any reason? Join with Gwen and Joe as they go over how to stay connected to God and stay in control at all times. Hear step by step instructions on how to follow the lead of God at all times, includi...
Live with Gwen and Joe - March 11, 2019
Watch "How to Have the Perfect Day to Lose Weight" - Every step towards self-denial is huge! Join with Gwen and Joe as they discuss how to walk through each day. You will hear how to not be overwhelmed by this walk of finding God’s perfect lead, but rather be encouraged by taking each day one mea...