Life with Gwen and Joe - June 27, 2019
Life with Gwen and Joe
Watch "How To Take Every Thought Captive" - You can win! Yes, there is a battle going on in the mind for your heart, but it is not like wars that the world fights. It requires a very different strategy and much more thought and energy than you have used before...but the victory will be sweet! Before an audience of God-seeking children and youth at summer day camp, Gwen and Joe discuss the strategy and tactics required in the pursuit of purity--pure thoughts, pure motives, pure actions. Taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ is the key defense that leads to a WIN! Listen as Joe lays out the mindset of a "real man,” one who is gentle and thoughtful, willing to concede to his opponent rather than pridefully forcing the issue. This priceless process is shared by a man who has experienced it for himself and can attest to the beneficial outcome! You will also hear practical wisdom from Gwen, as she arms the audience with the Godly information they need to be victorious in today's world! Get ready to take to the battlefield armed with a genius new approach as you put these words into practice and WIN!
Up Next in Life with Gwen and Joe
Live with Gwen and Joe - June 20, 2019
Watch Live with Gwen and Joe from June 20, 2019
Live with Gwen and Joe - June 13, 2019
Watch "Defeating the Yo-Yo Dieting" - Gwen and Joe discuss how to overcome yo-yo weight loss and gain. Joe explains how worldly motivation is fleeting, but God and prayer are constant and the only way to stay on the path. Complacency is the line between success and failure. Only focusing on God w...
Live with Gwen and Joe - June 6, 2019
Watch "How to Be a Good Friend" - Summer Day Camp is here, and Gwen and Joe welcome 500 day campers at Remnant Fellowship Church for the most exciting time of the year! Gwen discusses how to be a good friend, taking care of people’s hearts and pointing your friends to God. Our favorite couple tal...