When Life Seems Too Hard
Life with Gwen and Joe Playlist
There is an amazing new perspective for us all when it comes to hard times, suffering, and loss! Everyone faces adversity at some point. Jesus said in Matthew 5:45 that God “sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Hard times are often seen as unmerited tribulation that results in questioning God, abandoning faith, or—in the worst of cases—outright anger toward the Creator. On the other hand, those who observe difficulty in the lives of others might assume the afflicted have angered God in some way and are now suffering His punishment. The time is at hand for Americans to recognize our spoiled nature and to understand that all difficulties and suffering are screened by God, and each trial is an opportunity to show God that He is indeed worthy of praise, glory and absolute devotion! Join Gwen and Joe for a powerful, moving reflection on the story of Job—a totally upright man who, in the face of complete loss and physical suffering, stepped up to the moment as an opportunity to defend the honor of God by demonstrating immovable devotion and an upright life. We will also consider the example of Jesus Christ, whom, even while suffering on the cross, was steadfast in his concern for others and for our Heavenly Father, never blaming God nor having anger about his situation. Joy is possible even in the midst of adversity if we realize that God has screened every circumstance and is allowing all of us the opportunity to glorify Him in every situation, whether in ease and plenty...or in difficulty and need. This episode of “Life with Gwen and Joe” will forever change the way you look at even the smallest of opportunities to glorify God that arise through adversity and self-denial! Let’s all shine for God by putting a smile on our face and falling down in worship no matter our situation! You will definitely want to share this incredible understanding with those you love!
Up Next in Life with Gwen and Joe Playlist
Don't Give Up - Give All!
Weigh Down was never about a diet—it has always been about putting your ALL into a relationship with God! Let’s make 2020 the year that we do not give up, but instead we give ALL! Join Gwen and Joe for this special episode filmed live at the Weigh Down New Year’s 2020 Rally, as Gwen lays out a st...
Persevere and Never Give Up
Let’s make 2020—a new year and a new decade—the year that we ALL stick it out and achieve our goals! The key to keeping your resolutions is to not give up! You CAN change! Let’s go for it! If you have not already made your list of resolutions and goals, get them written down so that you can a...
Setting New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year, and welcome to a new decade! This is the year we all can change! Have you made your resolutions? What do you want to achieve in 2020? In this episode, Gwen and Joe reassure all of us that God gave everyone the ability to change! What an exciting way to start a new year, knowing th...