Don't Give Up - Give All!
Never Give Up
Weigh Down was never about a diet—it has always been about putting your ALL into a relationship with God! Let’s make 2020 the year that we do not give up, but instead we give ALL! Join Gwen and Joe for this special episode filmed live at the Weigh Down New Year’s 2020 Rally, as Gwen lays out a step-by-step plan for you to persevere and find victory in the new year. It starts with inspiration based on a clear picture of how our Creator feels about sin, coupled with determination to set your mind on doing what is right before God. From there, you are encouraged to seek God fully, asking Him to show Himself and to fill your heart, as you concentrate on the Biblical truth that blessings come from obedience. Once you are set on this path, you must persevere—hold on tight to the hope that is found in this self-denial and suffering that was beautifully walked out by Jesus Christ during His life on earth. As Gwen expounds on each of these key ingredients, Joe backs it all up with moving and clear Scriptures that help spur us all on toward our goal. Do Not Give Up … Give ALL! This is the year, and this episode will provide everything you need to take off and fly high…letting go of every worldly pull and impulse that is not from the Spirit of God! Here’s to the year of giving ALL!
Up Next in Never Give Up
When Life Seems Too Hard
There is an amazing new perspective for us all when it comes to hard times, suffering, and loss! Everyone faces adversity at some point. Jesus said in Matthew 5:45 that God “sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Hard times are often seen as unmerited tribulation that results in ques...
Does Gwen Ever Give Up On You?
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