Rise Above - Audio Lesson 1 - Original Exodus Out of Egypt
Original Exodus Out of Egypt Audio Lessons
Rise Above - Original Exodus Out of Egypt - Audio Lesson 1
Up Next in Original Exodus Out of Egypt Audio Lessons
Emotional Eating - Audio Lesson 2 - O...
Do you find yourself running to the fridge with stress, success or sadness? Are you ready to close the pantry door and open the door to a relationship with your loving Creator? Welcome to the Original Exodus Class with a presentation of Gwen Shamblin Lara on Emotional Eating. Turn away from “quic...
Stay Awake - Audio Lesson 2 - Origina...
Stay Awake - Original Exodus Out of Egypt - Audio Lesson 2
Passion … everyone has a passion for something, and that passion is a driving force that motivates our heart to action! When you are trying to redirect your passion to God above food or any other stronghold, the pull of that stronghol...
How To Measure Success - Audio Lesson...
Do not get discouraged if the scale is not moving, or is not moving as quickly as you would like! Sure, all of your previous diet programs emphasized rules about “correct” foods and had you believe that the number not moving meant you were failing. Worse than that, some teachings allow us to bla...