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Weigh Down resources recently added to Weigh Down TV!

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  • How to Find the Energy to Start Over and Move Forward

    If you are ever feeling stuck in your weight loss journey, watch this video to be set free! Gwen clearly explains how to change your focus so that you are tuned in to feeding the Spirit of God and letting go of the world. This video will motivate you to let go of all your old desires and grab hol...

  • We Deserve Nothing

    Learn to be happy at all times with true humility - having no expectations of God, of this life, or of man. Truly be set free with this lesson!

  • Finding Success During College & After Graduation

    You Can Overcome Season 6, Episode 9...What is it like to go to college as a Christian? How do you put God first and find His lead for everything – from time management to interactions with professors and research papers? In this episode, you will meet two recent college graduates who have found ...

  • How to Stop Being a Controller

    Are you weary of trying to control every area of your life only to feel defeated and completely exhausted? In this episode of the "You Can Overcome" show, host Gwen Shamblin Lara interviews Patrick and Amy Stites who at one time appeared as though they had the perfect lives and yet they were actu...

  • Don't Delay

    Are you struggling with losing all of your excess weight permanently? Gwen Shamblin Lara interviews a local physician and his wife who have a combined weight loss of 185 pounds! By following the principles of Weigh Down, this Nashville couple now has restored health, a renewed marriage, and dee...

  • How to Find the Spirit of God

    What does average, daily life look like for someone who is seeking (and finding) the Spirit of God? How do you know when it is God who is leading you? Does God interact personally with people to direct their steps, their words, their actions?​ Watch this episode to hear Gwen and three guests disc...

  • How to Have Hope in Suffering

    If you feel like your day is perhaps just too much to handle, or your difficult life situations are altogether too hard, then watch this episode for answers for your life that will totally change your perspective on suffering, testing and any challenges! You do not want to miss this video!


  • The Secret to Permanent Weight Loss

    What is the secret to permanent weight loss? What is the secret to true religion and is there a connection between the two? Watch this episode of the "You Can Overcome" show, hosted by Gwen Shamblin Lara, to find the answers to these questions and unlock the mystery of how to truly have a whole ...

  • Real Men – Real Christians

    When most people think of a bunch of men getting together for an evening – or even an entire extended weekend on the ski slopes or at a football game – a few initial thoughts or words probably come to mind. Drinking, debauchery, strong language, coarse joking about women, letting loose, and even...

  • What to Do When Your Children are Stressed

    There are many incredible things happening at the Remnant Fellowship Church on a daily basis. One of the most powerful and joyful pieces of evidence that God is pleased with this place is the good fruit being produced in our CHILDREN. They are loving, happy, obedient, standouts – which stands i...

  • Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Around the World

    Meet Remnant Fellowship members from Nigeria, South Africa and London. Weigh Down Ministries is reaching people all over the world with its message of hope and change.

    Copyright 2018 Weigh Down Ministries and Remnant Fellowship Church. All Rights Reserved

  • Young Adults Find Blessings From Being Under Authority

    Meet the extraordinary youth at Remnant Fellowship Church! Their love for God is real and impacting every area of their lives for the better. From improved relationships to excelling in academics, as well as being recognized in the community, each give credit to the teaching they have received ...

  • How to Overcome Discouragement - Podcast

    "How to Overcome Discouragement" was recorded LIVE in February of 2016 on Weigh Down Radio.

    Do you ever feel discouraged that you'll never lose all of your excess weight? Do you second guess yourself as to whether or not you are staying in the boundaries of God's lead with your eating? Listen ...

  • Zion Kids Introduction: A Message for The Parents

    Watch this 5-minute video for a brief introduction from Gwen to our Zion Kids series!

    Copyright 2008 Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down

  • Focus & Faith – 2024 Summer Day Camp

    In this video, Gwen gives an important lesson on finding quiet time and really focusing on God. She also goes into the parable of the four soils and how to apply it to our lives today.

    Copyright 2007 Remnant Fellowship

  • Love: The Connection – 2024 Summer Day Camp

    Watch this encouraging and uplifting replay, originally from the 2014 Day Camp – The Connection. In it, Gwen gives an inspirational message highlighting the importance of love, encouragement, and a connection with God and each other.

    Copyright 2014 Remnant Fellowship

  • Humility & Love – 2024 Summer Day Camp

    In this video, originally from Day Camp 2014, Gwen shares a valuable lesson on living out love for God and others in our lives and how to combine that with humility and purpose. These attributes lead to a joyful life and a deep connection to God.

    Copyright 2014 Remnant Fellowship

  • How To Be a Light – 2024 Summer Day Camp

    Watch this encouraging and uplifting replay, originally from the 2014 Day Camp – The Connection. In it, Gwen gives an inspirational message highlighting the importance of love, encouragement, and a connection with God and each other.

    Copyright 2014 Remnant Fellowship