Breakthrough Lesson 8 - Breakthrough Moments
1h 10m
This is lesson 8 of 8 from the Breakthrough series.
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Welcome to the Week 8 video of the Breakthrough series. The title of this class is Breakthrough Moments. The first segment of the video shares highly convicting teaching about continuing in a sin while still staying a part of God's pure church. Gwen Shamblin Lara quotes, "without responding with full repentance the harder it is the next time to get convicted when you get confronted." Justifying sinfulness is addressed in this video. This video also highlights the book of Hosea and how this prophet experienced an adulterous relationship all so that we can develop the holy fear, passion for and empathy that is due to God.
Copyright 2008 Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down Ministries, and Gwen Shamblin Lara