Exodus Out of Egypt: The Change Series - Lesson 4 - Longing for Egypt
This is lesson four of the eight-lesson Exodus Out of Egypt class that builds on the foundations taught in the Weigh Down Basics class. Learn and apply more practical tips and advice on weight loss.
* Access the Exodus Out of Egypt: The Change Series downloadable workbook through the Weigh Down TV website here: https://www.weighdown.tv/products/exodus-out-of-egypt-the-change-series-1
** Join us on The Exodus Out of Egypt: The Change Series Forum HERE: https://www.weighdown.tv/forums/exodus-out-of-egypt-the-change-series
This class will teach you how to plug back into your God-given physical signals, and you will find incredible freedom in your eating as you learn to follow God’s perfect will in regard to food. You will find self-control as you enjoy all the wonderful and God-given foods you have been denying yourself for so long. You will no longer feel controlled by the food or have the desire to binge at night when no one is looking!
Copyright 2006 Remnant Fellowship, Weigh Down Ministries, and Gwen Shamblin Lara