Freedom from Strongholds - Lesson 8
Welcome to Freedom from Strongholds Lesson 8!
Join Weigh Down for the exciting release of the 8-lesson Freedom from Strongholds Series! This series will teach you how to be set free from any habit or dependency that has made you feel trapped and alone. The lessons address alcohol, drugs, smoking, lust, depression, self-focus and so much more. Join us in making 2023 your year of FREEDOM!
Please be advised that Freedom from Strongholds is designed to be a series for older youth and adults and addresses some stronger content. It is recommended that parents preview the videos and exercise discretion when deciding whether or not to allow youth to watch.
This series may contain information about general medical/emotional conditions. If you have any health or emotional concerns, we recommend you consult your physician or counselor before you begin. Please continue to remain under your physician’s or counselor’s care while taking this seminar to best treat your personal situation.