Go For It on the 20-Day Challenge
Gwen and Joe are excited, and they want to help you get pumped up and motivated to go for it! On the heels of the “20-Day Challenge” issued in the previous episode, this week’s Life with Gwen and Joe brings out the cheerleader in Gwen as she encourages us to put on our spiritual athletic gear so we can run for the ultimate touchdown--righteous living that can lead to eternal life! Successful athletes are known for getting pumped up and giving their all, and that is exactly what God requires for us to walk in His Spirit and get closer to Him. “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you.” (1 Corinthians 15:58) It takes ALL of your mind … ALL of your soul … ALL of your strength! This is the summary of the entire Word of God: Love God with everything you have and more than anything else. The problem is that we love ourselves more than we love God, but Gwen has taught that we can make a choice to focus differently and have this winning lifestyle that comes from denying the desires of self and living completely in the Spirit of God! Staying under earthly authorities, like a great athlete who looks to the coach for direction, is an opportunity to practice being under God’s authority in Heaven! Let’s all “Go For It On the 20-Day Challenge”...and then continue this focus for a blessed life! Practice self-denial so that you can experience how God rewards on the other side of that test. Gwen and Joe are cheering us on, and the blessings to come will be amazing! This incredibly encouraging episode will send you out into the world ready to tackle the challenge of laying down your will and finding the Spirit of God! YOU CAN DO IT!