How to Have a Peaceful Thanksgiving
8m 54s
Thanksgiving is a beautiful time for bringing family together and enjoying one another, a time filled with beautiful traditions and daylong activities and—of course—gratitude! There are favorite passed-down recipes that everyone anticipates each year. You hear laughter around the table as everyone recounts those things for which they are thankful. This is an incredible opportunity for a peaceful day, a day to honor God for all that He has done. Now more than ever, the world seems to be filled with worry, stress and strife, and these feelings can seem magnified during the holidays. The Word of God is filled with references regarding not being anxious or concerned; rather, we are to remain in prayer and be full of thanksgiving. In this episode, Gwen and Joe remind us that God established Holy Days that are far superior to “holidays”. When we set out to honor God with the day—whether by taking time to set a beautiful table, by welcoming friends and family with open arms, or by staying within His boundaries with our eating—we can have a beautiful day with no anxiety! Instead of a day dedicated to overindulgence in food or football, Thanksgiving can be a day of peace and true thankfulness, with children laughing and incredible fellowship with dear friends! Join Gwen and Joe as they help us learn how to set aside any stress and anxiety so that we can share in a beautiful Holy Day of Thanksgiving to the God who wants to take all our worries and replace them with Joy! Happy Thanksgiving from the Laras!