How to Lose the Last 20 Pounds
Are you looking for the answer to lose the last 20 pounds of your excess weight? This show is for you! In this episode of the "You Can Overcome" show Gwen Shamblin Lara interviews Jolinda Chrisman, a long time participant of WeighDown and member of Remnant Fellowship Church, who lost a significant amount of weight by following the Weigh Down principles yet still struggled to lose her final 20 pounds of excess weight. Inspired by a previous episode of the "You Can Overcome” show, Jolinda felt deep conviction and renewed hope that she really could go all the way with giving up greed for food and drop those final pounds. Jolinda cried out to God for help and asked for a second chance to find His lead with her eating. Although she had taken many WeighDown classes in years past—and had felt frustrated with herself as she expressed “I already know how to do this”—she realized she had to get back to the basics somehow. This time around she put all of her heart and mind into the Bible study with much humility and full effort. Upon repentance and committing to follow God wholeheartedly, God opened her spiritual eyes, much like a veil lifting as described in II Corinthians 3, to see her heart and actions clearly like never before. The volume of food she had been eating was simply too much and she still had entertained greed in her heart for many years. She took her resolve hour by hour, utilizing the WeighDown resources, and put into practice what she learned. In a relatively short amount of time, she lost the remaining 20 pounds she had struggled with for years and experienced the peace of mind and closeness to God that she had seen in others around her. Gwen powerfully explains and gives insight to Jolinda's success and further expounds on how to overcome all dependencies by discussing passages in the Bible that are often overlooked or unknown to most avid churchgoers—Scriptures such as Ephesians 5, Romans 6, and Titus 2. Put simply, “Greed cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven”…so getting rid of all greed in our hearts is critical and essential to eternal salvation. If you are searching for answers on the best way to lose weight, crying out to God for help, and longing for real answers to permanent weight loss, this show is for you!