How to Push the Restart Button
God is merciful, and for those who repent there is HOPE and an opportunity to get back up and go after it again! If you have struggled or feel like you have even backtracked from the life of wholehearted devotion to God Almighty, if you are still alive and reading this then press Play on this encouraging episode of the You Can Overcome!
Is there a unique personality trait or genetic makeup that leads to one person being able to lose weight and stay thin while another person struggles up and down? Is there any one program that will work for everyone? More to the point, is there a way that YOU can be thin forever? The answer is YES! In this April 13, 2016 episode, featuring a powerful lineup of changed lives along with special guest Jessica Walters and co-hosts Tedd and Candace Anger, you will learn the tools you need to get back on track and STAY on track for complete weight loss success. Learn how to “push the Restart Button.” There is a difference, and this difference will work for you!