With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Every superhero in every comic book movie had the same lesson to learn: with great power comes great responsibility! The lesson comes as the antidote to the hero’s inclination to become self-absorbed, self-focused or tempted to completely check out and give up the fight. Make no mistake: the parallels are real as many who take up this journey of obeying God wholeheartedly get exhausted from the tests, discouraged by the warfare and overcome with anxiety at the amount of effort required to stay the course. Modern-day Christianity has left many with the impression that Christ-followers are not required to do everything that Jesus did; unfortunately, though, that has also left many fighting depression, stuck in their overweight condition, or saddled with curses that comes from choices that do not line up with the will of God.
You have been given the power to choose obedience to God, to find His will, and to do His will. With this power comes great responsibility. In this audio—part of the Constant Encouragement Series, Year 2 Volume 34—you will learn to appreciate your tests and lay down all self-focus and anxiety. You will step up to accept your responsibility to lay down your will daily and joyfully follow in the footsteps of your Savior. Jesus did not give in to “overwhelmed”; rather, He set His face resolutely toward the will of God, no matter the suffering or the persecution. You, too, can accept your responsibility and watch the power of God through you as you channel His Spirit for the sake of His Kingdom! With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility … and you can fly above the world today!