Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ

Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ

Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ is a collection of 6 Videos of powerful and clear Biblical teaching that will inspire your school-aged children to find God in everything. In addition, it is full of Godly, fun music and dancing which is just as much fun for the parents as the children! A student guide can be purchased from our online store at http://store.weighdown.com.

Zion Youth was written and produced by Gwen Shamblin Lara with Weigh Down Ministries and Remnant Fellowship Churches. Gwen has dedicated her life to uncovering and passing down the secrets and power of a relationship with God to others - with a particular emphasis on the next generation. As the parents find how to put Godly principles into practice in the home, they are able to teach their children with the help of these resources. The Zion Youth video series will help transform the whole household, for it is full of God's music and knowledge of God and worship to Him. On it, elementary-aged children will learn basic and essential morals. This was created for children of all ages, up to teens, since children learn by imitating other children, and Zion Youth is full of children who are Godly! Notice as you turn off the TV and turn on Zion Youth how your whole family will be different - and more joyful!

Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ
  • Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 1 of 6

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 1 - "Love" & "Selflessness".

    Topics included in this video: In This Lesson: God is Loving, God Loves Gentleness, God is Not Self-Seeking, God is Not Easily Angered, and God Loves Forgiveness.

    To watch the entire Zion Youth: Characteristics of Ch...

  • Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 2 of 6

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 2 - "Pure" & "Humble".

    Topics included in this video: In This Lesson: God Loves Peace, God Loves Gratefulness, God Does Not Like Boasting, God Loves Humility and God Loves Holiness & Purity.

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ is a collection ...

  • Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 3 of 6

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 3 - "Courageous" & "Determined".

    Topics included in this video: In This Lesson: God Loves Focus, God Loves Zealousness, Jesus Has Righteous Anger and God Loves Hope.

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ is a collection of 6 Videos of powerful a...

  • Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 4 of 6

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 4 - "Persevering" & "Righteous".

    Topics included in this video: In This Lesson: God Loves Patience, God Loves Kindness, God Loves Honesty, God Loves Perseverance and God Loves the Long-Suffering.

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ is a collec...

  • Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 5 of 6

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 5 - "Servant" & "Joyful".

    Topics included in this video: In This Lesson: God Loves Servants, God Loves Honor, God Loves Joy & Temperance, God Loves Encouragement and God Loves Good Works.

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ is a collection of ...

  • Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 6 of 6

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ - Video 6 - "Wholehearted" & "Faithful".

    Topics included in this video: In This Lesson: God Does Not Like Envy Or jealousy, God Does Not Covet, God Loves Faithful/Loyal People and God Loves Trustworthiness.

    Zion Youth: Characteristics of Christ is a col...