Faith and the Fight
Featured Category
Faith & The Fight delivers a moving message about the power of belief, perseverance, and the spiritual battles we face. Discover why faith is essential, how doubt can be overcome, and why the fight for spiritual strength is worth it—for ourselves and future generations. Watch now and be inspired to keep the faith and keep fighting!
Copyright Remnant Fellowship and Elizabeth Hannah 2025
Up Next in Featured Category
The Way of Holy Living
In this inspiring message, Elizabeth explores how to stay encouraged, adjust your trajectory, and keep moving forward. Through faith, perseverance, and incremental change, you can overcome challenges and grow stronger every day.
Copyright 2025: Remnant Fellowship and Elizabeth Hannah
In that Name…Jesus Christ
In this powerful talk, Gwen Lara explores the remarkable answered prayers that come from praying in the name of Jesus. She examines the enduring healing power of Christ, which continued after His resurrection, was evident in the Apostles, and is still available to us today.
Copyright 2016 Re...
Born Again - Part Three
In this powerful video presentation, Gwen delves even further into the profound concept of being "born again,” inviting viewers to join her in exploring the very essence of this transformative experience. She explains how love and having Christ in you leads to a metamorphosis that becomes a lived...