Saved by Faithfulness - Introduction
What does the Bible actually say about salvation, grace, faith, and works? How are we saved? In this powerful audio, you will have the chance to go straight to the scriptures in the first of a series of talks that addresses this essential, foundational question..
Saved by Faithfulness - Part 1
What is the gospel of salvation of Christ? What does "saved by faith" mean? What is the good news of Christ? Does man have the ability to become righteous… or is righteousness given on the Day of Judgment? Hear the answers to these questions and more in this powerful lesson.
Let No Debt Remain But Love
In this audio lesson, you will learn what it really means to love God first and then how to love others, even if they have wronged you. Learn how to turn the other cheek and forgive your enemy. Hear how the faithless will always be in need but the faithful will be rewarded. Experience the true pe...
A True Passion For God
What makes your heart thump and your blood pressure rise? Is it a relationship with God? Or has that become a stale routine? If it has, this audio lesson is for you!
Remember God's Laws
This audio will show you how to fall in love with God and His laws. Like King David, who longed and panted for God and His laws, Gwen Lara explains that meditation and the study of God's Word leads to a deep love for God.
Saved by Faithfulness - Part 2
Have you ever wondered why the Bible mentions both grace and works, love and law? By what means is salvation attained? This encouraging lesson will clearly explain what God is looking for in a relationship with man and give practical tips on how to be born again.
Ambassadors for Christ
In this video, filmed live at Remnant Fellowship on January 16, 2021, Gwen Lara shares a powerful message on what it truly means to be an Ambassador of Christ. Using II Corinthians, she thoroughly examines the characteristics required to fulfil this role, one that we are all called to live out, a...
Shelter From the Storm
Are you being persecuted for following Christ? In this audio, be encouraged that whatever comfort you are missing in this life is storing up treasures in the next life. Hear about others who have gone through this persecution and shined for God.
How to Stop Being a Controller
Are you weary of trying to control every area of your life only to feel defeated and completely exhausted? In this episode of the "You Can Overcome" show, host Gwen Shamblin Lara interviews Patrick and Amy Stites who at one time appeared as though they had the perfect lives and yet they were actu...
Save Your Heart For Me
The Book of Colossians
The Remnant Fellowship reads and reviews the powerful letter of the Apostle Paul to the Saints in Colossae — the Bible’s Book of Colossians. Gwen Shamblin Lara opens the gathering by showing the geographical region around Colossae at the time that Paul penned his letter, showing everyone where th...
The Pain Of The Stubborn-Hearted
Do you sometimes feel like your life is a constant struggle, seldom experiencing true peace and joy? What are you missing? Are you truly devoted to God? Are you mimicking the footsteps of His son, Jesus Christ, who gave EVERYTHING he had to be under the authority of the Father? If your heartstrin...
We Deserve Nothing
Learn to be happy at all times with true humility - having no expectations of God, of this life, or of man. Truly be set free with this lesson!
The Kingdom of Love
In this powerful, convicting and encouraging talk, Gwen Shamblin Lara shares about the spiritual warfare and how to put on the full armor of God so you can stand firm against the dark forces. This is a must listen for everyone! It will help you overcome any test you may be facing!
Copyright 201...
A Heart For God
If you have any piece of pride left, this audio is for you! Lay down pride. Get to know God in the midst of His corrections! Truly repent and be set free with this audio.
Two Types of People
Are you self protective? Do people say you are a "con artist"? Do you say things to cover your tracks or to distract so you do not get caught? If so, this audio is for you. You will see the hope on how you can lay this down. Find out how the person longing for correction from God becomes open and...
Who Rules?
If you are still struggling with sin, this audio will show you that you have to decide to pick up your cross and face the suffering that comes with denying yourself. You must choose between God ruling over you or satan; it is one or the other. But the blessings and peace that come with choosing...
God Loved So Much He Gave
Have you ever wondered what it really looks and feels like to love God and others? And what the Bible means by, “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him,” in I John 4:16b? Watch this excerpt from Gwen Shamblin Lara’s sermon given live April 10, 2021, for a quick but deep ...
The Book of James
The Remnant Fellowship reads and reviews the Bible’s powerful Book of James. Gwen Shamblin Lara opens the gathering by presenting the historical context of this Biblical treasure. James, a brother of Jesus, writes that readers must mature in their faith in Christ by living what they say they beli...
How To Be Transformed - Displacement and Meditation
In this Sabbath Assembly, you will hear inspirational worship music and listen to a message that will teach you HOW to give God all of your mind so you can lay down all sin and be free from any focus on what the world has to offer. You will learn the importance of taking time to meditate and exa...
The Joy of Fellowship
From the beginning, God has been calling a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation, a nation that loves Him with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength. ALL.. In this Royal Priesthood, we must keep God on the throne of our hearts. But here's the secret: you can't do it alone. The Bible tells us ...
The Power to Overcome
4 items
If you have ever felt a struggle in laying down sin or discouragement in fighting spiritual battles, this video series will help you change from giving in or giving up to giving ALL! These video lessons will give you both the necessary tools for change and the conviction to fight with all your h...
What Makes God Happy?
What is that one thing God is asking for you to give up? How much time are you working on your relationship with God and your spouse? Are you finding true humility? Get out of yourself. Find out what God wants - what makes His heart sing and then do the will of God!
Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
In this audio, Gwen uncovers the secrets to happiness... Learn how to lay down pride, false humility, and anger, and learn what true love for a brother looks like. If you have spats or fights with others around you, you need this audio.