Remember God's Laws
Growing Closer to God
1h 13m
This audio will show you how to fall in love with God and His laws. Like King David, who longed and panted for God and His laws, Gwen Lara explains that meditation and the study of God's Word leads to a deep love for God.
Up Next in Growing Closer to God
Saved by Faithfulness - Part 2
Have you ever wondered why the Bible mentions both grace and works, love and law? By what means is salvation attained? This encouraging lesson will clearly explain what God is looking for in a relationship with man and give practical tips on how to be born again.
Ambassadors for Christ
In this video, filmed live at Remnant Fellowship on January 16, 2021, Gwen Lara shares a powerful message on what it truly means to be an Ambassador of Christ. Using II Corinthians, she thoroughly examines the characteristics required to fulfil this role, one that we are all called to live out, a...
Shelter From the Storm
Are you being persecuted for following Christ? In this audio, be encouraged that whatever comfort you are missing in this life is storing up treasures in the next life. Hear about others who have gone through this persecution and shined for God.