Life with Gwen and Joe - March 18, 2019
Hunger and Fullness
Watch "How To Lose Weight Fasting" - Gwen and Joe would like to know: how are you doing? How refreshing to see this kind of concern and genuine care—an example of how beautiful earthly relationships can be as a reflection of how beautiful a relationship with God should be! Personal accountability is key, as Joe points out in this episode, and Gwen reminds us that telling ourselves the truth about our actions and our choices is paramount! People get discouraged because of a tendency to swing from one extreme (fasting) to another (binging), and the scale is not always a reliable real-time gauge of our decisions. It is important, therefore, to have a mindset and a determination to be in touch with what your body truly needs. Self-control brings glorification to God, so choose today to decrease the greed in your heart. Follow Joe’s example and prioritize the relationships in your life—your spouse, your children, your friends and those in need—over the self-gratification that leaves you feeling unfulfilled. It is a rewarding transfer that brings joy and a whole new outlook on life!
Up Next in Hunger and Fullness
Live with Gwen and Joe - March 25, 2019
Watch "How to Deny Yourself and Lose Weight" - In this episode, Gwen and Joe continue the discussion from March 18, 2019, about personal accountability and how self-denial is a key part of finding this relationship with God. Gwen compares denial to a muscle that must be strengthened with practice...
Stay Awake - Audio Lesson 2 - Origina...
Stay Awake - Original Exodus Out of Egypt - Audio Lesson 2
Passion … everyone has a passion for something, and that passion is a driving force that motivates our heart to action! When you are trying to redirect your passion to God above food or any other stronghold, the pull of that stronghol...
How to Kickstart Your Weight Loss
Whether you are new or returning to Weigh Down, this episode of the "You Can Overcome" show will encourage you that permanent weight loss is obtainable for everyone...yes, even you! Host Gwen Shamblin Lara, M.S., R.D., interviews three women who were significantly overweight for years and had ne...