Live with Gwen and Joe - April 18, 2019
Life with Gwen and Joe Playlist
Watch "How to Know that You Really Love God" - In this episode, Gwen and Joe talk about the anticipation for the Passover season and the symbolism of this time of year. Jesus taught us, and led by his example, that sacrificing our will for God’s is worth it! Gwen and Joe reiterate the importance of remembering the pain of sin and that truly loving God means you will obey Him. If you are struggling with your weight, keep in mind that bearing the cross as Jesus Christ did means you surrender yourself completely to doing God’s will. Gwen warns that satan wants to distract and defeat you by lying to you. Stay focused on God’s face so that you may persevere and overcome!
Up Next in Life with Gwen and Joe Playlist
Live with Gwen and Joe - March 25, 2019
Watch "How to Deny Yourself and Lose Weight" - In this episode, Gwen and Joe continue the discussion from March 18, 2019, about personal accountability and how self-denial is a key part of finding this relationship with God. Gwen compares denial to a muscle that must be strengthened with practice...
Life with Gwen and Joe - March 18, 2019
Watch "How To Lose Weight Fasting" - Gwen and Joe would like to know: how are you doing? How refreshing to see this kind of concern and genuine care—an example of how beautiful earthly relationships can be as a reflection of how beautiful a relationship with God should be! Personal accountabilit...
Live with Gwen and Joe - March 11, 2019
Watch "How to Have the Perfect Day to Lose Weight" - Every step towards self-denial is huge! Join with Gwen and Joe as they discuss how to walk through each day. You will hear how to not be overwhelmed by this walk of finding God’s perfect lead, but rather be encouraged by taking each day one mea...