Overcoming Fears During This Time of Isolation
Never Give Up
9m 21s
At this time, springtime of 2020, the world seems in disarray, but the Bible ensures us, “…if my people…will humble themselves and pray and seek my face…then will I hear from heaven ….” (2 Chronicles 7:14) In Matthew 24:4, Jesus warns us not to be deceived by rumors and not to be alarmed. These are difficult times that will have a significant impact on economies, businesses, families, and individuals. Our nation is facing a challenging situation, and our nation’s leaders need to make difficult decisions in dealing with something completely unprecedented in our time, and they need our prayers. In this week’s episode, Joe Lara shares encouraging words for us all to help calm the anxiety and point our focus in a productive direction—we must seek out God as families and as a nation. Joe also shares excerpts containing information about the coronavirus and practical advice from a recent episode of the “You Can Overcome” show produced by Remnant Fellowship Church and WeighDown Ministries -- you can view the full-length version of that important and encouraging “You Can Overcome show” on Weigh Down TV by clicking on search and entering 'coronavirus'
Rather than a chance for satan to tear us apart as a society by using his ancient tools of lies and confusion and fear, we can turn this around and make this an opportunity to strengthen our nation by exercising compassion, prayer, and love to make sure we come out of this scenario stronger on the other side! Join Joe for a quiet reflection on the current situation and how we can best get through it by seeking out God first and foremost TOGETHER! Welcome to an encouraging installment of “Life with Gwen and Joe”!
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Never Quit
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Why Is The Testing So Hard
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