Finding Success During College & After Graduation
You Can Overcome Season 6, Episode 9...What is it like to go to college as a Christian? How do you put God first and find His lead for everything – from time management to interactions with professors and research papers? In this episode, you will meet two recent college graduates who have found ...
How to Succeed in School
Finding Success During College and Post Graduation
What is it like to successfully go to college as a Christian and immediately find direction upon graduation? How do you ongoing put God first and find His lead for everything — from time management, to interactions with professors and research papers, and even to dealing with new social interacti...
The Book of Genesis, Chapter 37-50: The Story of Joseph
Anyone who has had any exposure to the Bible is at least somewhat familiar with the story of Joseph, which is found in the Book of Genesis. Even Hollywood and Broadway have found fascination with the story ...with movies, musicals, and plays having been made - ldquo;inspired byrdquo; the account ...
How to Have the Best Spring Break Ever!
Finding God's Spirit and having self-control on vacations is no easy task. Watch how and why these teens and 20-year-olds have THE BEST SPRING BREAK VACATION EVER filled with fun and friendships by choosing a path with no regrets!
Breaking Thru Self-Pity and Victimization
Do you ever feel lonely or left out? Or like your situation is tougher than most? If you ever hear any lies that make you feel sorry for yourself, then this episode of the You Can Overcome is for you! You will hear incredible stories of people who were able to completely turn their perspective ar...
Loading the Cloud with Godliness
Ambassadors for Christ - You Can Overcome Show
Many young people struggle to understand how to live out their faith in a world that seems to go so much against it. How can you follow in Christ's footsteps on a daily basis? What does that even look like? In this episode, you will meet several young adults who have put this into practice and fo...
Meet the Remnant Youth
Meet some of the young adults at Remnant Fellowship who have put God first in their lives and found incredible blessings from that. These young adults are in every walk of life - from an architect, a dentist, a violinist, a nurse, a medical school student, and a teacher. These students have gone ...
How Can a Young Man Keep His Way Pure?
Do you ever feel like giving up? With so many challenges and such pressure on young people today, how can youth overcome all the tests that come their way? Is it possible to truly be free and fly above the desires of the Earth? Listen to this incredible talk to learn the secrets to being successf...
Teenage Role Models
Who are the teenage role models that your kids look up to? Are these examples pointing them to a closer relationship with God and you? The typical American teenager is not seeking to be close to God, thinks their parents “don’t get it” and even looks for ways to be independent from their parents....
Young Men Living for God
How to Have Happy Youth - You Can Overcome Season 16
You Can Overcome Season 16 - Episode 2 - Filmed LIVE September 4, 2019.
Young Adults Find Blessings From Being Under Authority
Meet the extraordinary youth at Remnant Fellowship Church! Their love for God is real and impacting every area of their lives for the better. From improved relationships to excelling in academics, as well as being recognized in the community, each give credit to the teaching they have received ...